Get to know the story behind our company's name.
PrivMX is a tool for secure online collaboration and freestyle project management, based on Zero-Knowledge Servers. As a software, it reflects the way we define good teamwork. It's based on 3 essential elements:
For years, we have been moving our lives to the internet. Seems it's there to stay, at least in the nearest future - that's why we believe we should have a possibility to keep certain important things private in the Network. So far it hasn't been easy, so as a tech company, we came up with a solution - for you and your Team.
Stay private in the network with:
PrivMX is the world's first true privacy-by-design collaboration software.
PrivMX has all you need to collect your ideas and plans and turn them into projects. Open your mind and help your team stay creative and productive with a set of built-in, essential tools. Free your mindset from strict project management methodologies in an organic workspace that respects your imagination.
Work on your ideas with:
You can store all kinds of files in the secure PrivMX workspace.
Teamwork is all about communication and sharing, and PrivMX helps you organize your work around it. It's easy for your team to discuss, exchange opinions and ideas, cooperate on tasks, delegate work, track progress and share all kind of content. Share information in direct and indirect channels with maximum effectiveness - in Sections, ad-hoc groups and one-on-one channels.
Organize information flow using:
Each team is unique and has its own, natural communication habits - PrivMX helps seamlessly transfer them to the digital workspace and helps people make the most of teamwork.
Meet PrivMX 22 - a brand new version of PrivMX software, featuring a new type of File - the Spreadsheet, some smart solutions within the architecture and a few UX fixes. See what's new in PrivMX 22!
What's the secret ingredient of innovation? Some say it's the idea, some claim it's the execution; others stick to the zeitgeist or the team spirit. One thing is clear - if true innovation in business is as rare as a unicorn, it should rather be nurtured and protected than handed away on a silver platter to 3rd party companies.