We’re introducing a few more colors to the interface settings - the new version (available soon!) of PrivMX app allows you to customize your color palette and choose between a few background and bubbles’ options. We need your help to choose the default version.
So far, PrivMX background was a characteristic gradient, but we want to try something new. See the new options for color combinations:
Hope you'll enjoy setting up your own palette!
Now we need to decide on the default interface settings for new users. We'd really appreciate your feedback on which combination works better.
Let us know - we're waiting for your feedback at contact@privmx.com We've prepared simple inquiries on our social media channels - feel free to offer your insight there:
Thanks for your help!
What's new with Tasks in the latest version of PrivMX Fusion? This article is a step-by-step introduction to all the new PrivMX features that will improve task management in your company. Kanban, list and Tiles views, filtering Tasks with 6 new categories, viewing them in a selected order - learn more about all the new options featured in PrivMX 23.
Wchodząc w 2023 rok, jednocześnie wkraczamy w gęsty klimat rosnącej nieufności konsumentów wobec firm i nowych regulacji prawnych, które mają zapewnić ochronę danych osobowych. Zobacz, czego możemy się spodziewać w kwestii prywatności danych w bieżącym roku.