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  • Origins of PrivMX

Total Privacy-by-Design.

Does privacy-by-design paradigm relate only to personal data? What is the most effective, simplest way to implement this important concept? Are any trade-offs necessary? What is the role of the open-source code?

Matt Muszytowski
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Why PrivMX?

What is our motivation? What’s our take on the past and the present of digital work tools? Why do we keep encouraging you to start fresh with PrivMX? Here’s the first part of our introductory series.

Matt Muszytowski
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Privacy vs anonymity.

These terms are subject to frequent discussions nowadays, both in private conversations and media coverage - but do we all understand them the same way? What do they mean precisely in terms of being online - for internet users and service providers? This article is an attempt to answer these and other similar questions, and present our team's point of view.

Matt Muszytowski
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Startups deserve better! Protecting innovation in the age of big tech.

What's the secret ingredient of innovation? Some say it's the idea, some claim it's the execution; others stick to the zeitgeist or the team spirit. One thing is clear - if true innovation in business is as rare as a unicorn, it should rather be nurtured and protected than handed away on a silver platter to 3rd party companies.

Kasia Toczko

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