A leading global platform dedicated to project management, The Digital Project Manager, featured an extensive overview of PrivMX features.
The Digital Project Manager is one of the most influential and credible platforms aiming to support the project managers' community with insightful content. It contains helpful how-to guides, articles and reviews of various productivity tools.
Well, now it also features its first overview of a privacy-by-design collaboration tool! You can find an extensive summary of our features here: https://thedigitalprojectmanager.com/privmx-overview/
We're working on PrivMX 18, so make sure to stay tuned for more awesome solutions for the busy Project Managers.
Does privacy-by-design paradigm relate only to personal data? What is the most effective, simplest way to implement this important concept? Are any trade-offs necessary? What is the role of the open-source code?
Wchodząc w 2023 rok, jednocześnie wkraczamy w gęsty klimat rosnącej nieufności konsumentów wobec firm i nowych regulacji prawnych, które mają zapewnić ochronę danych osobowych. Zobacz, czego możemy się spodziewać w kwestii prywatności danych w bieżącym roku.